Sunday, July 29, 2007

Download Movies Ver1.0

Untuk rakan2 yg suka meng"download" movies, di sini ada beberapa link movies yang berkualiti.Amat mudah dan lebih cepat berbanding torrent1 ) Keperluan yang diperlukan adalah talian streamyx dan program Winrar. Kalu tiada program Winrar sila klik sini (Arahan pemasangan ada di dalam fail tersebut).2 ) Download setiap fail tersebut, kemudian klik fail yg pertama sekali.Fantastic Four DVDRip XviD

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Formatting a Nokia Symbian Series 60 phones

Nokia Symbian Series 60-based phones have a copy of the OS present in the built-in ROM. When you format the phone, the OS gets restored from the ROM to the phone memory overwriting the existing setup. Before you format your phone, make sure you back up all your ringtones, SMS and pictures messages and most importantly your contacts. You can use the Nokia PC Suite to do this.Also ensure that your phone is well charged before you format.Once you've done this, key in "*#7370#" It will immediately prompt you to start your phone. Select "Yes" and the...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Instant mesenger in office

You are not allowed to install any software in the office PC, but still want to chat with friends? You can log on to six well known messengers through such as ICQ, Yahoo, Jabber, MSN, Google Talk and AIM - at the same time. However you'll need a meebo account for that. The tool opens in an extra window within the website after logging in. The practical part is that you can release the messenger from the page and get it on your desktop with the help of the "Jump in" button. Place it anywhere and in any size with the help of the mouse.Tip...